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High quality automotive paint: Improve the appearance and service life of your car

Time : 2024-10-24

Changing the Style of Your Truck body
A truck body with premium automotive paint can make an impressive statement upon approach. High gloss and fullness from automotive paint improves the car body making it elegant and contemporary, which helps elevate the entire look of the automobile. This is also important for a company that has a fleet and uses their vehicles as moving billboards; a great-detailed and neat painted body will immediately get the message across that the company cares.

A great benefit of high automotive paint is its longevity, it helps to last the truck body for longer instances. Our SongYing Boxcar Paint is capable of giving excellent top-level water, oil, and anti-rust properties which constitute dry and wet weather protection of any car from factors of nature and daily abuse. Thanks to automotive paints' capability during the weather, the car body looks new for a long time after exposure to any conditions.


Application and Maintenance
It is necessary to prepare the surface properly as well as apply the required techniques for customized painting so as to achieve desired results. There is a need to wash the surface of a car body first, before applying automotive paint, using a cleanser for the grease and fresh water at high pressure to wash away salts and other contaminants. For those carriages that have already been restored, they need to have all loose paint or rust scraped off, and the protruding areas smoothed before being sprayed by sandpaper or a putty knife.

It is also important during application of the paint to adhere to the procedures which have been proposed especially during the drying process. Automotive paint can also be applied by spray painting, brush or roller painting, but airless spraying should be done if a uniformly high quality finish is to be achieved. In case the oil based automotive paint is very viscous, as up to 10 percent clean water by weight can be added to thin the paint. When applying paints, it is recommended that one does not do the application when relative humidity level exceeds 80 percent or temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius. If it rains or snows, it is advisable to not undertake outdoor application or if the application has already been done, then the area should be covered by a tarpaulin.

SongYing's Product Line
SongYing Chemical provides a variety of automotive paints to meet the particular needs of trucks carriage.The Boxcar Paint is designed to be used on truck surfaces for protection and an enduring decorative finish. The construction is such that it does not break during heavy-duty operations and is still ground smooth and lasting. The Epoxy Zinc Rich Paint provides an excellent corrosion resistance properties which protects the body of the truck under severe conditions.

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