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Notice of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology on Announcing the List of 'Jiangxi Provincial Specialized, Novel, High-tech, and Featured Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' for 2024

Time : 2024-08-19
To the Industrial and Information Technology Bureau (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Service Bureau) of all districts and cities, and the Economic Development Bureau of Ganjiang New Area:
Pursuant to the requirements of the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Gradient Cultivation of High-quality Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and the "Detailed Implementation Rules for the Gradient Cultivation and Management of High-quality Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Jiangxi Province (Trial)," after undergoing the processes of recommendation, review, and public announcement, we have determined the list of "Jiangxi Provincial Specialized, Novel, High-tech, and Featured Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" for 2024, which is hereby announced. We also notify you of the relevant matters as follows:
I. Jiangxi Yunai Aluminum Doors and Windows Mould Co., Ltd., and 971 other newly applying enterprises (see Attachment 1 for the list) as well as Jiangxi Chuangchi Rubber Co., Ltd., and 485 other enterprises undergoing expiration review (see Attachment 2 for the list) are hereby recognized as "Jiangxi Provincial Specialized, Novel, High-tech, and Featured Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" for 2024.
II. The validity period of the specialized, novel, high-tech, and featured small and medium-sized enterprises this year is three years, from August 15, 2024, to August 14, 2027. The original list of "Jiangxi Provincial Specialized, Novel, High-tech, and Featured Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" for 2021 automatically expires.
III. Based on the applications submitted by enterprises and verified by the local small and medium-sized enterprise authorities, the renaming applications of Pineng Optoelectronics (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd., and 55 other enterprises are hereby approved.

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